CHARLIE THE DUCK Version 2.2 (English) (C) Copyright 1996-2001, by Mike Wiering/Wiering Software, LICENSE This software is distributed under the license described in the file LICENSE.TXT. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS To play Charlie, you'll need a PC with: - 286 processor or higher (486 or Pentium recommended) - VGA graphics card - at least 475K free memory Also supported: - AdLib compatible sound card - joystick STARTING CHARLIE If you used the special installation program for Windows, you can start the game by clicking on the icon in 'the Charlie the Duck' folder. If you have problems running the game, try the 'Help!' program. To start CHARLIE THE DUCK in DOS, go to the directory where you installed the game and type: CHARLIE The following command line options are available: CHARLIE -A Use AdLib only, not SoundBlaster (Pro) if detected. CHARLIE -S Skip soundcard detection, use PC speaker. CHARLIE -D Delay after writing to the AdLib (for old soundcards). CHARLIE -I Use other instruments for the sounds. CHARLIE -O Use the old sound routines (try this if the sound isn't loud enough). CHARLIE -E Start the game in English. CHARLIE -N Start the game in Dutch. CHARLIE -P Create CHARLIE.PIF file for Windows. CHARLIE -R Register CHARLIE THE DUCK. CHARLIE -W Create a new CHARLIE.CFG file with saved games for world 1, 2 and 3 (registered version only). CHARLIE -H Run a demo of level 1-4 (big fish). CHARLIE -V Show detailed version information. Because more and more people have trouble using command line options, this version includes a HELPME program, which makes most options described above available from a menu. CONTROLS All menus are controlled with the and arrow keys on the keyboard and or to select an option. You can always use the key to go back or to quit the game. If you have a joystick, from the main menu, select OPTIONS, then CONTROLS to configure it. Default controls during the game: , - Walk - Dive (in some places) - Jump - Accelerate To use other keys, select OPTIONS from the main menu and then choose CONTROLS and REDEFINE KEYS. Other keys during the game: - Help - Save game - Load game - Sound on/off

- Pause - Quit game FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Here are some of the questions that were asked frequently over the past few years: ---- Q: How can I beat the big fish at the end of the first world? A: You have to land on top of its head (right above its eyes) five times. Run CHARLIE -H for a demo (new in version 1.9) or run the HELPME program. ---- Q: Have you made anymore games? A: Yes, they can be found on the Internet (see the URLs below). ---- Q: Have you made any new games yet? When will the next one be ready? A: I don't know. I'm usually working on several games at the same time and I don't release a game before its completely finished. I also don't set deadlines for my games. By the way, if you all would stop mailing and phoning me about this, I might have some more time for programming! ---- Q: I've registered the game, but everything is still exactly the same as in the unregistered version! What's going on? A: So far, everyone who has asked this had both versions on disk and was still running the unregistered version. If you install the game again in a different location, you should update any shortcuts in Windows that point to the game. The registered version does begin with the first world, just like the demo version, but it also contains a second and a third world. If you use the HELPME program to register and to start the game as well, everything should work properly. ---- Q: How do you make this kind of games? A: I programmed CHARLIE THE DUCK with Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0 (with lots of inline assembly), all drawings were made with my own sprite editor GRED. There is some programming information on my homepage, as well as the sprite editor. ---- Q: I just can't get through level X, I'm frustrated. Can you give a step-by-step description and also tell where all the hidden items are? A: No, I don't think it would be much fun anymore if you knew all the secrets. Just keep practicing, all of the levels are playable! ---- Q: How can I make an icon for this game on my Windows desktop? A: Run the HELPME program. ---- Q: The game is really slow. Is there a way to make it any faster? A: The settings for the background layer can make a great difference on some (older) computers. From the main menu choose OPTIONS and then BACKGROUND. The default is PARALLAX, which can be slow. Change it to STATIC or NONE. ---- Q: If I have saved my progress in Level 3-3 for example, is it still possible to start at the beginning of that world? A: Yes (new in version 1.8), press - instead of when selecting a game and you will start at the beginning of that world. DISTRIBUTION The demo version of CHARLIE THE DUCK may be copied freely on the following conditions: - You may not make modifications to any of the files included in the game and you may not add new files or remove files. - You may not charge money for this game, apart from a reasonable distribution fee. In that case it must be clear for the buyer that this is a demo version of the game. - If you want to distribute this game via the Internet, you must use (one of) the original ZIP/EXE files found at the authors site. Do not wrap the game into your own installer that also adds all kinds of commercial links etc. If you really want to create some kind of installer or so for the game, contact me about it first. Also provide a link to my site so people can find the most recent version. - If you want to place this game on a CDROM, you may use any installation program or extractor you like, provided that it installs exactly the same files as found the original CHARLIE.ZIP. I would also appreciate it if you inform me about new CDROM titles containing this game! After registering the game, you may no longer make copies for others. Only distribute the demo version. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR If you want to contact me, send an e-mail! My address is: Please don't try to call me by telephone. I like to hear what you think about my games. So if you have any remarks, suggestions or if you find bugs, please let me know. I want this game to be as "bug-free" as possible. You should be able to find the newest information about my games at the following Internet sites: